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Italian SYmposium on
Digital Education

The deadline for the submission of full papers has been extended to the upcoming October 20th.

Closing of the conference work

ISYDE 2024, the Italian Symposium on Digital Education on “Lifelong Digital Learning and Education: promoting flexibility, inclusion, critical thinking and international exchange”, jointly organized by SIe-L (Italian Society of e-Learning) and SIREM (Italian Society for Media Education Research), has just come to an end.

The Local Organizing Committee, composed of Elena Caldirola, Pietro Carretta, Paolo Cherubini, and Gabriella Massolini, received valuable collaboration from the University’s Teaching Innovation and Digital Communication Service (IDCD) to ensure the success of the initiative.

Thanks to contributions from nearly 200 participants across 3 parallel sessions and 10 speakers, including 7 international ones, ISYDE 2024 was able to cover various topics.

A broad sharing of new approaches and techniques in the field of digital and media education with national and international experts led to a lively conference, rich in interactions and new stimuli that will be relevant for the development of digital education and our society in the near future.

The Book of Extended Abstracts is in the process of being published.
A special thanks to the University of Pavia and all the staff involved in the organization, to SIe-L, SIREM, all the speakers and participants for contributing to the success of the conference.
See you at ISYDE 2025!

Promoted by

Italian SYmposium on
Digital Education

Lifelong Digital Learning and Education: promoting flexibility, inclusion, critical thinking and international exchange

University of Pavia
Campus della salute – Piazzale Golgi – Pavia

Promoted by

Italian SYmposium on
Digital Education

The deadline for the submission of full papers has been extended to the upcoming October 20th.

Closing of the conference work

ISYDE 2024, the Italian Symposium on Digital Education on “Lifelong Digital Learning and Education: promoting flexibility, inclusion, critical thinking and international exchange”, jointly organized by SIe-L (Italian Society of e-Learning) and SIREM (Italian Society for Media Education Research), has just come to an end.

The Local Organizing Committee, composed of Elena Caldirola, Pietro Carretta, Paolo Cherubini, and Gabriella Massolini, received valuable collaboration from the University’s Teaching Innovation and Digital Communication Service (IDCD) to ensure the success of the initiative.

Thanks to contributions from nearly 200 participants across 3 parallel sessions and 10 speakers, including 7 international ones, ISYDE 2024 was able to cover various topics.

A broad sharing of new approaches and techniques in the field of digital and media education with national and international experts led to a lively conference, rich in interactions and new stimuli that will be relevant for the development of digital education and our society in the near future.

The Book of Extended Abstracts is in the process of being published.
A special thanks to the University of Pavia and all the staff involved in the organization, to SIe-L, SIREM, all the speakers and participants for contributing to the success of the conference.
See you at ISYDE 2025!

Promoted by

Italian SYmposium on
Digital Education

Lifelong Digital Learning and Education: promoting flexibility, inclusion, critical thinking and international exchange

University of Pavia
Campus della salute – Piazzale Golgi – Pavia

Online Meetings

Sam Nolan

19 June 2024

2.30 p.m. – 3.15 p.m.

Join the Zoom webinar

Willem van Valkenburg

20 June 2024

9.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Join the Zoom webinar

Diana Laurillard

21 June 2024

9.00 a.m. – 9.45 a.m.

Join the Zoom webinar

Important Dates

Please remember the following important dates:


05 April 2024 – Opening Registration
10 May 2024 – Author registration deadline
10 May 2024 – Early bird registration deadline
31 May 2024 – Payment social dinner
14 June 2024 – Regular registration deadline

Desk registration is allowed.
Italian e-Learning Association (SIe-L) members can pay the 2024 affiliation fee at the conference desk.

Abstract Submission

20 February 2024 – Opening Abstract Submission
07 April 2024Abstract Submission – Deadline Extended
24 April 2024 – Abstract Acceptance Notification

20 May 2024 – Extended Abstract Deadline

Download the template here

The central focus of ISYDE2024 joint conference will be on: “Lifelong Digital Learning and Education: promoting flexibility, inclusion, critical thinking and international exchange”.

Following the conferences of the past years promoted by SIe-L and SIREM, ISYDE2024 aims to strengthen and broaden the focus on both digital and media education through innovative teaching and learning experiences.

In contemporary societies several specific needs, strictly related among them, are asking for urgent answers: inclusion should be improved to overcome any possible barrier against education; intercultural and international exchange should be encouraged; the social wellbeing and professional upskilling and reskilling should be granted all life long through education as well as by  appropriate communication strategies; moreover the ability to evaluate, analyze and understand media messages in all forms, with a critical eye, should be fostered.

Accordingly, the education system has to engage itself in promoting, testing and diffusing effective strategies and technologies with the aim of transforming educational paths in welcoming ecosystems able to support a lifelong full, safe and flexible development of the individual aspirations, embracing diversity as an opportunity for the growth of society.

The conference will address this challenge with the aim of promoting the emergence of national and international good practices in teaching-learning innovation and media education.

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mobile: +39 329 2838479


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mobile: +39 329 2838479